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education in chemistry中文是什么意思

用"education in chemistry"造句"education in chemistry"怎么读"education in chemistry" in a sentence


  • 化学教学
  • 化学教育


  • Innovatory education in chemistry teaching
  • Strenthening the environment protection education in chemistry teaching
  • How to carry out environmental protecting education in chemistry teaching
  • Talking about the green chemistry education in chemistry teaching of middle schools
  • Research on the strategies of implementing green chemistry education in chemistry teaching
  • Statistical analysis on the papers of education in chemistry concerning miniaturized chemistry experiments from 1990 to
  • This topic makes a theoretical treatise and practical probing in innovative education in chemistry experimental teaching hi middle school
  • Green education in chemistry teaching is a solution to improving the quality of chemistry students and their awareness of environment protection , deepening their sense of duty , and speeding up the development of college chemistry quality education
  • Some ideas about the scientific method education in chemistry education of high school are discussed in this thesis including the construction , function , characteristics , definition , influential factor and the style of practice . the author puts forward ideas that the teaching style is one of the most factor to influence the teaching effect on the scientific method education , and that the inquiring style of chemistry teaching is beneficial to the scientific method education obviously
  • Scientific method education is an important aspect of scientific literacy education , which closely relates to scientific knowledge , scientific ability , scientific thought and scientific quality . this thesis deals with the questions about theories and practice of the scientific method education in chemistry education in high school by way of changing teaching style to improve the teaching effect on the scientific method education
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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